
Monday 26 November 2012

Typing Test Term 4

Here is my work that I have done today and Last week I have done 12 10 and I done very good today so I hope you comment on it please.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Toondoo Maths Book


Kilistina and I made a Book about Maths. It has Maths Equations in it . I hope you it :-)

My Favourite Food Rap

I love to eat lollies,
so much I polly around.
lollies make me happy,
than snappy.
I love lollies because they are yummy ,
In my tummy.
lollies disappear fast,
so don’t be last.

Monday 19 November 2012

Emily's wonderful pie

What I thought about the book

Title - Emily’s wonderful pie.

Author - Jane Cornish.

Characters in the story - Sue Hitchcock- pirate.

Places in the story - The school.

What happens in the story - Emily ordered a pie for her lunch.

My favourite part of the story - was when the last part of Emily having a time to eat.

Friday 16 November 2012

Maniakalani Film Festival

This year, Room 3 made a movie called 3 words. We entered it into the Maniakalani Film Festival and we went and watched it at Hoyts Cinemas at Sylvia Park.

Friday 9 November 2012


We should play fair and not cheat. When playing sport everyone should be supportive and not get angry with each other. To show sportsmanship you should be a good sportsman and when people play give it everything you've got and everything a go.

Friday 2 November 2012

The Duffy Show

Today Saint Pius X school watched  Duffy and the best book in the world. Every year Duffy go around Auckland and act out a Theatre  show for the kids.

This we watch Duffy and the best book in the world. My favourite part was when it was Emmys birthday and for her birthday present she got the best book in the world because it was fun seeing her opening it up. This was my second time watching a Duffy production, I am very exited for next years Duffy show:)

Monday 22 October 2012

The Weird Neighbours

This week we had to write a story using a prompt.  The prompt was ..... there is a noise outside at night, there are flashing lights, what is happening?

On a warm night I peeked out of my window and I saw my neighbour having a disco party. There were heaps of people in the house and also the garage was open and some men were there with some ladies.

I woke up from my sleepiness as I heard a fight not a disco party anymore. I said to myself “what is this?” I looked outside again and it was the parents fighting in their house. They were saying “no it was you who started the party” and they argued and argued. It was very disturbing to my sleep.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Fact and Opinion Activity

Fact and Opinion
Six of these statements are opinions about features of John’s life, not facts.  Place ticks beside the six opinions.
When John Rutherford was six years old he was sent to work in a cotton mill.
He ran away to sea as a cabin boy when he was ten.
Going to sea was the beginning of a hard and adventurous life.
The life of a cabin boy did not suit John at all.
Later, when he was older, he was forced to join the crew of a British warship.
During one of his voyages he fell ill and was left in Hawaii.
Life was boring and dull in Hawaii with nothing to do.
When the next ship docked, he joined it and sailed to New Zealand.
During the voyage to New Zealand the ship was caught in the worst storm ever seen in the Pacific.
When the ship anchored in New Zealand waters, some Maori came on board.
The captain was too afraid to try and stop them.
A fight broke out and John was taken prisoner by the Maori.
After his capture, John had his face tattooed.
The tattooing hurt a great deal, but he lay still and quiet to show how brave he was.
After a time, John’s Maori captors made him a chief.

Friday 19 October 2012

Smart Learner

If you are wanting to be a Smart Learner you will always have to listen to the teacher on the mat. Always use your virtues to one another when you are in the class working together with your friend, and do not scream to your friend when they are right next to you. Keep on the right track when the teacher tells you to do your work, you do your work and finish it in time. Concentrate on your learning and never get off task. If you are sitting next to your friend and she is annoying you just ignore her but if it doesn’t work  move away and sit somewhere else where she can’t annoy you doing your work. Also if you are wanting to be a Smart Learner you need to obey the rules the teacher gives you so you don't get in trouble. Always be ready when you start your work and always have a pencil before you start writing because you might have nothing to write if you have no pencil.